I recently bought a second hand Mahlkonig K30 Vario grinder. This grinder did not work at all but I got it for only 150 euro. After a thorough inspection I found that one of the essential wires for starting the grinding was loose. Just a little bit of soldering was enough to make this grinder work again. This made me happy but the grinder was still not usable because it lacked a hopper. I searched on the Internet for a replacement but these replacements seemed to be quite expensive. Luckily a friend of mine, Frans Goddijn, still had beautiful spare Compak – Londinium hopper stored in this attic. Frans was generous as ever and gave me the hopper for free. There was however still one problem to be solved.
The Compak hopper did not fit my Mahlkonig K30 at all. How could this be fixed?
I decided to 3D draw and print the adapter. I made the design with 3D CAD software Fusion 360 and printed it on my small but excellent 3D printer (prima creator). The hopper was printed in several parts, because there was an overhang in the design and that might have given bad printing results. The design also includes a printed screw to fix the hopper to the adapter.
Download the 3d files if you want to print the adapter yourself.
k30 adapter screw
k30 adapter top
k30 adapter base
Hint: To attach the top and base part, you need to put some filament in the small holes and use glue.