Easy brew head cleaning with the Espazzola

Coffee Review

The cleanness of your espresso machine will highly influence the cup quality. Dirty water from the brew head will lead to a dirty cup, it’s as simple as that.

There several ways to clean the brew head. Methods include back flushing and cleaning with a stiff-bristled stick. Although important, I have to admit that these are not my favorite activities. Espazzola is a cleaning tool you can insert into your group head instead of a portafilter. The tool is supposed to make cleaning of the brew head much faster and easier. Instead of brushing out the group-head by hand, you can simply wash the dirt away. The designer of the Espezolla claims that by using it you will only need to back flush your machine once a week. I tested the Espazzola to find out if it does live up to its promises.

The Espazzola costs about 40 euros including shipping and is packed in cardboard box. In the box you will find an unassembled Espazzola and a user manual. Assembling the Espazzola seemed tempting to me, but after reading the instructions the process was easier than expected. The Espazzola is made from different kinds of food safe plastics. The looks will not be everyone’s cup of tea. But for cleanness, beauty is less important than functionality.

I have been using the Espazzola for a few days now and I have to say that it does the job. I don’t have to backflush and remove the showerhead as often and I don’t have to brush anymore. Cleaning the brew head during the day or between shots can be done much faster. Because of the easiness this became a new routine. I recommend it.

Movie: The Espazzola in action

Many thanks to Frans Goddijn for giving me this product to review. I would never recommend it if I don’t genuinely believe in it.

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